Naturopathic Pantry #2: Coconut Oil

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The non-fat/low-fat craze has really gotten into our nutritional psyche and we are now scared of fat. There is a rampant belief that eating fat will make us gain weight, lead to high cholesterol and cause heart disease. This conclusion is mainly due to an impactful study from the 1950s by Ancel Keys. In his Seven Countries study, he set out to look at rates of heart disease and lifestyle and concluded that in countries with high rates of heart disease, people ate diets high in saturated fat. Thus, saturated fat was correlated with high levels of cholesterol and consequent heart disease. Although this was merely a correlation rather than a causation, the belief was ingrained: eating fat=heart disease.

However, over the the past 50 years that our diets have tended to favor simple carbs over healthy fat, heart disease and metabolic disorders have increased. And, in 2009, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reviewed all the research and concluded that intake of saturated fat did not lead to an increase in risk of heart disease! So, yes, trans fats and oxidized fats are definitely to be avoided, but let's not brush with a wide stroke here and forget that there are tremendously healthy fats for the eating. 

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Among those healthy fats, is coconut oil. As a plant-based saturated fat, it: 

  • is highly anti-inflammatory

  • is a great energy source without spiking insulin (very important when regulating blood sugar and preventing/managing diabetes)

  • increases metabolism making you use calories more efficiently while feeling full faster

  • improves the ratio of total cholesterol:HDL which is the best indicator of healthy cholesterol levels

All while being quite delicious and a satisfying cooking oil. I like to pair it with asian spices and the addition of coconut milk in the stew below not only adds a nice silkiness to the fragrant notes of lemongrass and ginger, but also gives you a double dose of coconut's nutritional goodness. . 




The gardner's daughter