Arugula and parsley pesto

In the winter, because basil is not in season, I like to make pesto with parsley and other herbs. I find it helps liven up winter vegetables and create a bright note in a season that can lean on heavier foods.

This would be lovely dolloped on roasted carrots and parsnips or over an egg or to top a potato soup. If you like things a little more acidic, you could also squeeze a little lemon to make it extra bright.

Arugula and parsley pesto
Makes about 1 cup

1 big handful of parsley
1 big handful or arugula
3 TBS pine nuts (I prefer them not toasted)
1 oz grated parmesan (about 1/2 cup)
1/2 clove garlic, peeled
1 tsp of sea salt (I like Maldon here but any will do)
~1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil

In a food processor, add the herbs, nuts, parmesan, garlic and salt. You may want to hold back on the salt slightly if you don’t like things too salty. Pulse until finely chopped. With machine running, drizzle in oil until you get a creamy and well blended consistency. This could be less than 1/2 cup or could be more. Taste for seasoning. Can be store for about 5 days in the fridge.


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