3 apps to help you move and meditate more in 2017

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Happy new year!

The new year often brings a lot of resolutions and new beginnings. I find that with any new intention it can be helpful to have some trusty tools to facilitate consistency and ease.

Technology can sometimes be fickle in this area. Like the productivity app that requires a PhD to learn how to use and makes me WAY less efficient instead of more. On the flip side, good technology can be well-leveraged to make moving and meditating a little easier in 2017.

My tried and true apps:

Yogaglo: Think of it as yoga on demand. What makes this app awesome is that you can filter by time, level, style and/or teacher. So, if you want to move, but only have 10 minutes you can find a practice that will work. You can also download some classes to use when you don’t have wifi which is great for travel.

The Seven Minute Workout: I just love the simplicity of this interval training. Simple exercises, 30 second intervals and all you need is a chair. It’s also an easy one to incorporate if you’re traveling or short on time in the AM.

Insight timer: I use it for meditation, timing yin yoga postures, using a heating pad, etc. The bells aren't jolting and you can set all sorts of intervals. It also has a huge library of guided meditations, so can be really supportive if you prefer a little more hand’s on meditation.

I hope you’ll give one a try and it’ll be supportive to any new year’s intentions you may have.

May 2017 be a good one!



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