How to make golden milk: revisited

This is actually the second recipe for turmeric milk on the blog. The other recipe walks you through making almond milk from scratch and also steeps the milk with aromatic and healing spices. It's a good one! 

However, I actually find myself making this version more often. The prep time gives you about a weeks worth of lattes and it comes together much more quickly and simplifies the process. 

Plus, I like that you can adjust the tea you use to customize based on mood or what your body needs. 

Ginger: anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, immune boosting
Dandelion: bitter herb that spurs detoxification via the liver
Chamomile: calming and soothing and great to promote calmer sleep

Want to read why turmeric is pretty much the greatest? This is a nice summary! 

Golden Milk
serves 1 (although paste will keep for 5 days)

Cooking the turmeric and combining it with fat and black pepper helps improve absorption. Enjoy! 

To make turmeric paste: 
1/2 cup water
2 TBS turmeric, ground
1 TBS coconut oil
1 tsp black pepper (yes, it's 1 teaspoon)

To make golden milk/latte:
1 ginger/dandelion/chamomile tea bag
8 oz water
1/2 cup of milk of choice (coconut/almond/raw dairy)
1.5 tsp turmeric paste
raw honey, to taste

First, make the turmeric paste by mixing in the turmeric into the water in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat, continually whisking until it thickens, about 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat and whisk in coconut oil and black pepper. Transfer to glass jar and store in fridge up to 5 days. 

To make golden milk, bring water to boil and set tea to steep in 8 oz of water for 5-10 minutes. While it steeps, heat milk with 1.5 tsp of turmeric paste. Heat until steaming (but not boiling), whisk well and mix in honey. Pour over tea and serve.  Optional for foam: transfer warm milk to blender with turmeric paste and honey and blend for 20 seconds and then pour over tea. 


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