Sage: seasonal illnesses
“I have more energy, more life balance and tools that I will use for the rest of my life to keep my health more vibrant and consistent.”
What was going on for you health wise that brought you to Wild Lemon Health?
When we first started working together, I had issues with my heart (angina, chest pressure), pain in both feet, low energy and seasonal illnesses.
Why did you decide to sign up?
I wanted a more holistic approach to healing that would be based on my personalized health needs.
How was your experience at WLH different?
Antonella was very responsive, caring and warm, knowledgeable and worked closely with me throughout.
How did your health change?
Health condition = GONE. No longer needing to take aspirin or RX heart meds! Feet pain = 95% GONE - I am now able to exercise regularly. Seasonal challenges with bronchitis, etc. - partially improved. I only had ONE bronchitis in 2 years for about a week (compared to averaging about 1 month of sickness every winter, or more) and needed far fewer antibiotics. My energy improved. I did have a relapse of EBV again so that is not in full recovery yet but overall my health is better.
What impact did this have on your life?
I have more energy, more life balance and tools that I will use for the rest of my life to keep my health more vibrant and consistent.
What did you most appreciate about the approach at WLH?
Antonella's warmth and wisdom, grounded in knowledge and science, with heart.