Wild Lemon Health is a naturopathic clinic that builds you a plan to be and feel your best.

In depth, personalized care


A Whole Body Naturopathic

We offer in-depth holistic care using the best of functional medicine and naturopathic remedies to care for mind and body, so you’re able to live a full life beyond your symptoms and create long term health.


While some fear or worry can be part of our natural human experience, it can be debilitating if it’s happening all the time or triggering panic or constant distress. We help you bring more calm, focus and steadiness to your nervous system, so that you feel more like yourself.

We focus on nutritional strategies, mind-body skills and looking at your entire hormonal picture to get you to a calmer baseline.


We understand that depression is a highly personal experience influenced by many factors and requires a tailored approach for each patient.

We work with patients wanting to augment their current care, or those who experience treatment resistant depression or who want to be proactive about caring for their mood using natural remedies or integrative tools.

Stress and burnout

We all have episodes of stress in our lives which can make us feel overwhelmed and reactive. However, if that level of depletion persists it can tilt towards burnout and be a significant part of our overall health picture affecting hormones, inflammation and our sense of self.

We’ve coached hundreds in finding a road back from burnout and feeling engaged and fulfilled versus being on the verge of breaking.

Sleep and insomnia

Sleeping well is foundational to being well. Often overlooked for women is the role of hormonal health be it the impact of PMS, perimenopause or menopause.

We help you get off the hormonal roller coaster and daytime exhaustion, so that you feel rested and energized.

Digestive health

The solutions for digestive concerns can often focus on eliminating more and more foods rather than figuring out a plan to ultimately enjoy a wide variety of food and flexibility, so you can enjoy celebrations, travel and lunch with friends.

From IBS to GERD to IBD, we provide a structure and strategy to improve your symptoms.

Heart Health

Women often don’t realize that heart disease is their #1 health risk. And age and hormonal shifts will affect your risk factors. Naturopathic medicine is uniquely poised to offer effective cardiovascular care because we can asses all the factors at play and help manage discussions around medication and lifestyle support to help keep you active and healthy.

Mental Health Done Differently

Traditionally, if you had mental health concerns, you had two options. You could take medication, or seek out talk therapy. These treatments have their place. But mental health concerns such anxiety, depression and PTSD continue to rise.

At Wild Lemon Health, we offer natural anxiety and depression treatment with a whole body approach. With a healthy body, you’ve got the foundation for a mind and mood that feel strong, connected and confident.


Dr. Antonella Aguilera-Ruiz, ND

I know what it’s like to be controlled by debilitating anxiety, trouble sleeping and and pervasive exhaustion, only to be dismissed. I also know how frustrating it can be to search for solutions on your own and peace-meal a strategy forward.

My mission at Wild Lemon Health has always been to deliver a healthcare experience unlike any you’ve had before. To be a trusted guide when navigating a diagnosis or symptoms and offering research based solutions alongside support, encouragement and care.

Our approach layers different types of support from group culinary medicine, to health coaching, to lab assessments and doctors visits, so that you get the in depth care you’re craving.

We believe you should be able to know and understand all the options available to you and work together to create a clear and achievable plan towards better health.

Improve your mental health, naturally. Dr. Antonella can help.

Book your FREE 15 minute consultation today.


Naturopathic Medicine

Wild Lemon Health is a virtual clinic serving California. We start with a comprehensive first visit where we recommend lab testing and create a comprehensive plan.

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Get in Touch

Wild Lemon Health is a virtual naturopathic practice based in Sacramento, California. However, services are available virtually across the state of California.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re new to the world of naturopathic medicine, you might have some questions. Below, you’ll find some of the most frequently asked ones. Curious if this is the right fit for you and have more questions? Book a discovery call here.

  • Yes. A naturopathic doctor is not the same as a medical doctor, but both hold degrees that grant the title “doctor.”

  • In order to practice naturopathic medicine in California, you must hold a four year graduate level degree from a licensed naturopathic medical school.

    This includes much of the same training medical doctors receive – anatomy, pharmacology, physiology, and pathology. It also includes clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, and physical medicine.

    To apply for naturopathic school, you must hold at least an undergraduate pre med degree.

    Once you achieve all that, you need to be licensed by your local governing body. Here in California, naturopathic doctors are governed by the California Board of Naturopathic Medicine.

  • No. Naturopaths and homeopaths are not required to receive the same training as naturopathic doctors. They also cannot use the title “naturopathic doctor”, and must disclose to you that they’re providing unlicensed services. If you’re not sure, the state government maintains a registry of all licensed naturopathic doctors.

  • Yes, absolutely. Wild Lemon Health offers naturopathic medicine, which is different from primary care. Your primary care provider can help in case of medical emergencies, and to provide the pharmaceutical options you may wish to pursue.

  • Wild Lemon Health is a direct care practice and doesn’t bill insurance directly. However, you may be able to reimbursed by your insurance for treatments. Consult with your individual insurance plan for details.

Feel energized and joyful once more. Wild Lemon Health can help.

Book your FREE 15 minute consultation today.